Centregreat Power Port R&D
The Power Port is a fully factory built and tested, modular EVS E solution, designed to deliver fast and rapid EV charging. Th is innovative developm ent was initiated through our business foresight to address the needs for carbon reduction in infrastructure solutions , capitalis ing on the multi disciplinary skillset and adaptive capacity of Centregreat and our associated businesses
Bargoed W.A.S.T PV & ASHP Works
To maximise the potential of their asset to produce energy, reduce operating costs and work towards reducing their carbon footprint, the Welsh Ambulance NHS Trust determined the requirement to incorporate solar PV and Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) on their properties.
Newport Depot EV Charging Infrastructure
Following considerable investment and upgrade of their commercial fleet, to maximise fuel efficiency and reduction in carbon through the introduction of electric vehicles throughout, Newport City Council (NCC) required provision for an extensive EV charging infrastructure at their main Telford depot and waste and recycling centre.
Smarter Parking
Both Cardiff and Oxford City Councils had approached Smart Parking Ltd to introduce new areas of smart parking and increase their existing smart parking assets across the cities.